Letting Go Of Control
This image is my current desktop wallpaper that I made myself
Trusting God With Everything
For a large portion of my life, I was controlled by others.
Then when I was free to live my life how I wanted to, I overcompensated. 13 years after leaving my ex I am still doing it when things are out of my control. From overspending, hoarding things I don't need, not making the wisest dietary choices and staying up too late checking social media.
On Wednesday, September 1st the power went out at work, due to an issue at the local substation that we were told could take either 90 minutes or 6-8 hours to fix, all depending on if it was a fuse or if they needed to dig to get the issue sorted. A situation beyond our control.
So what could we control?
My manager ordered us each a hot drink for delivery as the British way is; ‘a hot cup of tea helps everything look better.’ We put a sign on the door to alert customers we were as it was unsafe for them to be in the store, and he contacted all those that he needed to contact. The staff are insured but the customers aren’t.
We had a chat about my faith and he explained that his fiance is more religious than he is but, since the birth of his son, he’s more open to it as he was born with medical issues but is thriving more and more as he grows up. My manager asked me about how I became a Christian and so I told him my testimony from last year.
Just as I’d finished, the power came back on …
The last few weeks at work have been tough for me as I didn’t meet the last three weeks targets for August and therefore I also missed that month’s one, but I controlled what I could. My service is always excellent to every customer I speak to, whether they are just starting to look or if they think know what they want. I listen to what they tell me and adapt my sales technique accordingly.
When things happen beyond my control I have to remind myself that I’m not meant to control everything. How exhausting would it be if we could?! All I can control is what I am meant to which are my choices, decisions and actions. Everything else is His to control. He knows me way better than I know myself and He knows the plans He has for me, we’re not supposed to know what’s ahead and wouldn’t it be boring if we did?
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
So what have I been working on changing?
It has not been easy to get to this point and I’m still trying to hold onto a lot of things that I’m definitely not meant to, but I’m doing a lot better than a few years ago. I have started asking for His help with certain situations and remembering to thank Him when He answers any prayer requests.
I feel like God was reminding me over the last three weeks of August who is in charge, as I’d forgotten to put Him first and I wasn't being as grateful for the things that He has provided for me or what Has done for me in my life. My not hitting my targets feels like He was gently knocking me down a peg or too like the kind Father that He is.
I pray and ask for helo and guidance for a situation that I can’t control. I’m listing things that I am grateful for in my morning prayers, I am thanking Him for leading and guiding me through all my successful sales at work, along with, pausing and focusing on Him throughout my day and as a result, I am feeling His love for me more and more.
I know practising letting go of things I can’t control will be an ongoing practice as especially in today’s society we think we can control everything. How egotistical is that?
Comment below what do you need to start to lessen control of?