Blurt Self Careathon Day 23
courageous behaviour or character. "perhaps I'll get a medal for bravery" synonyms: courage, courageousness, pluck, pluckiness, braveness, valour, fearlessness, intrepidity, intrepidness, nerve, daring, audacity, boldness, dauntlessness, doughtiness, stout-heartedness, hardihood, manfulness, heroism, gallantry; backbone, spine, spirit, spiritedness, mettle, determination, fortitude, resolve, resolution; informal guts, grit, spunk, gutsiness, gameness; informal bottle, ballsiness; informal moxie, cojones, sand; vulgar slang balls "he received a medal for bravery"
What have you done that was brave?
Some ways of being brave are; asking for help, doing the work, asking for more help, asking someone out, trusting someone completely again, learning to drive, getting out of bed on a really low mood morning, leaving the house on that same low mood day, asking for even more help, (it does get easier to ask).
(*image sourced from Google)
Standing up for what you believe in, booking your first solo holiday, doing a skydive, being vulnerable, speaking up and voicing your opinion, taking yourself out on a date to the cinema or a meal out, following your heart, facing your problems, leaving relationships that no longer serve you, going on your first solo holiday ...
What are you going to do that's brave?
Go on, you're braver than you think.